20 of the World’s Strangest Places
By Jake Beardslee · April 28, 2024

Socotra Island, Yemen
Due to millions of years of isolation, the island of Socotra is home to 700 plant species found nowhere else on Earth, like the twisted dragon's blood tree. This island simply looks like an alien world, with landscapes and life forms you won't see anywhere else. Rod Waddington from Kergunyah, Australia/Wikimedia
Cat Island, Japan
On the remote island of Tashirojima in Japan, feral cats outnumber human residents. These cats roam freely and are revered by locals who built cat-shaped cabins. It's a quirky paradise for feline lovers to spot these frisky island residents. 暇・カキコ/Wikimedia
Lake Hillier, Western Australia
One of the islands off Western Australia's coast contains a vibrant pink lake that definitely catches the eye. The striking color of Lake Hillier persists year-round possible due to the organism Dunaliella salina. This bright pink body of water seems like something straight out of a fantasy world. Yodaobione/Wikimedia
Pamukkale, Turkey
In southwest Turkey, you'll find the remarkable Pamukkale, meaning "Cotton Palace." Here, mineral-rich thermal waters have formed a surreal landscape of travertine terraces and pools. The ancient Greek ruins of Hierapolis only add to the strange, out-of-this-world scenery. Take a dip in the warm waters of this one-of-a-kind place. Antoine Taveneaux/Wikimedia
The Tianzi Mountains, China
Jutting hundreds of feet into the air, the quartzite spires of China's Tianzi Mountains seem impossible and alien. Dense foliage covers the slim pillars, adding to their amazing appearance. It's easy to see why this bizarre landscape inspired the floating mountains in Avatar. A visit here truly feels like stepping onto another planet. chensiyuan/Wikimedia
Badab-e Surt, Iran
In northern Iran, two mineral-rich hot springs have created a mesmerizing series of terraced pools in vivid hues of red and orange. Badab-e Surt looks like a rainbow was painted across the rock formations. This lesser-known wonder is one of the strangest and most photogenic places on Earth. Samaee/Wikimedia
The Hand in the Desert, Chile
In the middle of Chile's barren Atacama Desert stands a bizarre sight - a giant concrete hand protruding from the ground. This eerie sculpture by artist Mario Irarrázabal was meant to symbolize human vulnerability, and its remoteness adds to its striking oddness. Nicolas Valdes Ortega/Wikimedia
Spotted Lake, British Columbia
In the Canadian province of British Columbia, you'll find Spotted Lake. In summer when the water evaporates, it reveals a series of vividly colored mineral pools. The sight is striking and unexplained - the native Okanagan people consider this landscape sacred. See for yourself this odd, kaleidoscopic terrain crafted by nature. Jack Borno/Wikimedia
The Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland
The result of an ancient volcanic eruption, the Giant's Causeway features around 37,000 tightly packed basalt columns. Their geometric perfection and surprising uniformity make this a bizarre natural formation. According to legend, a giant constructed this baffling rock landscape, lending an aura of mystery. Maarlowes/Wikimedia
Thor's Well, Oregon
On the Oregon coast, a peculiar geological formation dubbed Thor's Well or Spouting Horn offers a dramatic spectacle. During rough seas, water relentlessly rushes into this gaping sinkhole only to erupt violently upwards. Witnessing the raw power of nature at this odd site is unforgettable. Joe Mabel/Wikimedia
The Nasca Lines, Peru
Etched into the desert in Peru are hundreds of mysterious ancient designs depicting animals, plants and geometric shapes - the Nasca Lines. Dating back over a millennium, these massive lines can only be fully viewed from the air. How and why they were created remains an archaeological puzzle. NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team/Wikimedia
The Bermuda Triangle
This infamous triangular region of the western Atlantic hasatalyzed countless peculiar disappearances of ships and planes over the decades. Strange phenomena like compass malfunctions have been reported within its boundaries. Whether natural or supernatural, there's no denying the eerie mystique surrounding the Bermuda Triangle. David Broad/Wikimedia
Chocolate Hills, Bohol Island, Philippines
The unusual landscape of the Philippine island of Bohol features hundreds of perfectly cone-shaped hills, earning them the name "Chocolate Hills." During the dry season, the green grass coating them turns brown, making the terrain resemble endless mounds of chocolate. A truly unique natural formation. Jesse Alegre/Wikimedia
Red Beach, Panjin, China
Every autumn, the shoreline near Panjin, China turns a brilliant red as the Sueda seaweed covering the beach changes color. This vibrant ruby-colored coastline dubbed "Red Beach" creates a surreal, almost martian, scene for visitors to this odd locale. 吴张帆/Wikimedia
Plain of Jars, Laos
Scattered across miles in Laos are thousands of ancient stone jars - some clustered, some isolated. Their origins and purpose are a mystery. Local legends claim the massive jars were once used to brew alcoholic drinks for giants. An archaeological enigma. Jakub Hałun/Wikimedia
Goblin Valley, Utah
Erosion has carved the sandy rock of a Utah valley into thousands of mushroom-shaped hoodoos, creating an otherworldly landscape nicknamed "Goblin Valley." Walking among these bizarre rock figures feels like being transported to an alien planet populated by stone trolls. Tony Webster from Minneapolis, Minnesota/Wikimedia
Whale Bone Alley, Siberia
The arrangements of massive whale bones lining the shoreline of a remote Siberian island create an eerie, haunting scene. Dubbed "Whale Bone Alley," the origins and purpose of these grisly bone sculptures remain unclear. It's both fascinating and morbid. National Ocean Service, NOAA/Wikimedia
Glass Beach, California
Years of waves pulverizing dumped glass have created a beach near Fort Bragg, California where the "sand" is actually millions of polished glass pieces. The result is a shoreline that sparkles in a mesmerizing rainbow of colors - an unintended wonder born from pollution. Moximox/Wikimedia
The Catacombs, Paris
Beneath the streets of Paris lies a dark, macabre network of tunnels lined with the skeletal remains of millions of people. These eerie catacombs contain precise bone arrangements meant to honor the dead. Shadowgate from Novara, ITALY/Wikimedia
Fly Geyser, Nevada
The stunning, kaleidoscopic hues of Nevada's Fly Geyser are accidental, resulting from a man-made environmental disaster. When drilling caused a small geyser, mineral-rich water coated the new landform in vivid colors. An industrial mistake turned into a weirdly beautiful attraction. Ken Lund/Wikimedia