Light Wave


20 surprising Biden policies that flew under the radar

By Jake Beardslee · February 7, 2024

Boosting Domestic Oil Production

Despite pledges to cut oil production, domestic oil production rose to record levels under Biden.  Elvert Barnes from Silver Spring MD, USA/Wikimedia

Making Birth Control Over-the-Counter

Biden issued an executive order encouraging access to birth control, shortly afterwards the FDA approved the first over-the-counter birth control pill, providing easier access to contraception.  The White House/Wikimedia

Cracking Down on Corruption

Biden issued an executive order expanding and enforcing ethics rules for executive branch employees and White House staff.  U.S. Department of State/Wikimedia

Progressive Supreme Court Justice

Biden nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson as the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court.  The White House/Wikimedia

Infrastructure Bill

Biden signed a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill to rebuild roads, bridges, expand broadband access and more.  Office of the President of the United States/Wikimedia

Climate Actions

Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, hosted a virtual climate summit, and set targets to cut US emissions in half by 2030.  Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz - The White House/Wikimedia

Protecting Consumers from Airline Delays

Biden proposed rules requiring airlines to refund tickets after flight cancellations or delays.  The White House/Wikimedia

Withdrawing Troops from Afghanistan

Biden oversaw the chaotic withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, ending America's longest war.  The White House/Wikimedia

Diverse Administration

Biden appointed a historically diverse Cabinet and Administration with record numbers of women, people of color, LGBTQ folks, and first-generation Americans.  The White House/Wikimedia

Tax Credits for Clean Energy

As part of the Inflation Reduction Act, Biden established tax credits to incentivize clean energy production and electric vehicle purchases.  The White House/Wikimedia

Lowering Medicare Costs

The Inflation Reduction Act allowed Medicare to negotiate drug prices, introduced a cap on out-of-pocket drug costs for seniors, and more.  The White House/Wikimedia

Chip Manufacturing Investments

Biden signed the CHIPS Act, providing $52 billion to boost US semiconductor chip research, development, and manufacturing.  The White House/Wikimedia

Restoring National Monuments

Biden restored environmental protections to three national monuments downsized by Trump - Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante, and Northeast Canyons.  Bureau of Land Management Utah/Wikimedia

Lowering Monthly Student Loan Payments

Biden lowered income-based monthly student loan payments from 10% to 5% of discretionary income.  The White House/Wikimedia

Creating a Cyber Safety Review Board

Biden established an agency to investigate major cyberattacks and provide remediation guidance.  The White House/Wikimedia

Supporting Small Meat Producers

Biden provided aid to small meatpacking producers to increase competition with major meatpackers.  The White House/Wikimedia

Making Community College Free

Biden proposed making community college tuition-free, aiming to increase access to education.  Maryland GovPics/Wikimedia

Easing Medical Telehealth Restrictions

Biden eased restrictions on telehealth medical services, allowing easier virtual access to medications.  Elvert Barnes from Silver Spring MD, USA/Wikimedia

Expanding Overtime Pay

Biden proposed expanding overtime pay eligibility, allowing millions more workers to get time-and-a-half overtime pay.  Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America/Wikimedia

Cracking Down on Junk Fees

Biden cracked down on hidden junk fees charged by banks, credit cards, and other services.  Office of the President/Wikimedia