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20 World Records So Weird You Won’t Believe They’re Real

By Jake Beardslee · March 3, 2024

From world's longest tongues to largest collections of rubber ducks, Guinness World Records celebrates the weird, wacky and bizarre. Here are 20 mind-blowing and obscure world records you likely never heard of.  Aliasgarilemjiri/Wikimedia

Snacking for Glory: Most Big Macs Consumed

Donald Gorske holds the record for most Big Macs eaten, gobbling down 28,788 as of August 2016. This Wisconsin man buys them in bulk and eats about 14 per week, making him perhaps McDonald's biggest superfan.  Mojo0306/Wikimedia

Spinning Sensation: Basketball Spun on Toothbrush

Teen Dipanshu Mishra achieved an improbable feat - spinning a basketball on a toothbrush using only his mouth for nearly 43 seconds. This 2015 record displays astonish hand-mouth coordination and tremendous patience.  Kylie Osullivan/Unsplash

Kissing Bandit: Most Kisses in 30 Seconds

Florian Silbereisen, singer and TV host, locked lips an astonishing 74 times in just 30 seconds courtesy of 25 dancers.  Cassie Lopez/Unsplash

Toilet Toppler: Most Toilet Seats Smashed by Head

Either extremely hard-headed or glutton for punishment, Kevin Shelley burst 46 wooden toilet seats in 2007 using only his noggin. His likely resulting headache earns both awe and sympathy.  Giorgio Trovato/Unsplash

Power Drill Rider: Most Rotations While Hanging From a Power Drill

Spinning 148 times while dangling from a power drill in 2008, The Huy Giang is now immortalized for his centrifugal feat. Talk about taking power tools to the extreme  Simone Impei/Unsplash

Long Tongue Champion: World's Longest Tongue

Coming in at an astounding 4 inches long, Nick Stoeberl has the world's longest tongue as of 2012. This likely leads to enhanced ice cream eating capabilities along with endless opportunities to weird people out.  Abstral Official/Unsplash

Yo-Yo Master: World's Largest Functional Yo-Yo

Beth Johnson owns the largest working yo-yo, made from wood and weighing over 2 tons. Moved via crane rather than string, this giant 1996 yo-yo measures over 3 meters across but can still function.  Mick Haupt/Unsplash

Comic Collector: Largest Comic Book Collection

Comic book superfan Bob Bretall amassed an astonishing collection of over 100,000 unique comics by 2015. This mission Viejo man keeps his comics in pristine condition and must need a warehouse to store them all.  Waldemar/Unsplash

Doggy Acrobat: Fastest 5 Meters Walking on Front Paws

Talented border collie/kelpie mix Konjo sprinted 5 meters on just his front paws in under 2.5 seconds. This furry speed demon has no issue maintaining both coordination and velocity on just two limbs.  Anna Dudkova/Unsplash

Doughnut Stacker: Tallest Tower of Doughnuts

To celebrate The Simpsons movie, 20th Century Fox stacked an impressive 1,764 doughnuts into a towering 43-inch high pillar, likely making Homer drool. Far more than a baker's dozen, this 2007 sugary record required serious architectural skills.  Anastasiia Chepinska/Unsplash

Disco Dominator: Largest Disco Ball

Coming in at over 10 meters wide, the town of Bestival in the UK created an enormous disco ball in 2014, paying homage to the 1970s dancing craze. This massive mirror ball definitely qualified them as disco royalty.  Аида Тикиева/Unsplash

Hirsute Family: Hairiest Family

The Ramos Gomez family has a condition causing nearly full body hair coverage, earning them the 2000 record for hairiest family. Only 2% of their body lacks hair, putting the average hairy human to shame.  Alexandre Debiève/Unsplash

Capacious Cappuccino: Largest Cappuccino

An Italian team concocted a gigantic cappuccino weighing over 4,000 liters in 2013, requiring 9 coffee machines and 33 people. This frothy behemoth could keep a small town caffeinated for weeks.  Di Bella Coffee/Unsplash

Mickey D's Devotee: Longest Career as Ice Cream Man

Alan Ganz retains passion for his job even after 67 years bringing cheer as an ice cream man. Scooping since 1957, this Boston man's persistence and dedication earns both profits and records.  Lama Roscu/Unsplash

Party Pillows: Largest Pillow Fight

In perhaps history's coziest clash, 6,261 people attending a St. Paul Saints baseball game erupted into a pillow melee earning a spot in the records. The field likely resembled a massive slumber party afterward.  Josh Hemsley/Unsplash

Gnome Hoarder: Largest Collection of Garden Gnomes

Garden gnome enthusiast Ann Atkin has amassed over 2,000 of the kitschy statues in her UK abode. Her whimsical obsession led to the 2015 record for the world's largest collection of garden gnomes and pixies.  Dorota Dylka/Unsplash

Pool Party: Largest Swimwear Ski Parade

Over 1,000 bikini-clad skiers took to the slopes in Russia in 2016 to earn the record for largest swimwear ski parade.  Mika Ruusunen/Unsplash

Sushi Masterpiece: Largest Sushi Mosaic

Norwegian chefs crafted an enormous mosaic of sushi covering over 600 square feet, honoring a football club anniversary. Meticulously assembled from countless slices of seaweed and rice in 2016, this was a feast for the eyes.  Riccardo Bergamini/Unsplash

Rubber Ducky Queen: Largest Rubber Duck Collection

Starting in 1996 Charlotte Lee cultivated an amazing collection of over 5,631 unique rubber duckies of all sizes and designs. This ducky devotee earned the record with her avian tub-toy dedication.  Jason Richard/Unsplash

Golfing Giant: Longest Usable Golf Club

Measuring almost 9 meters long, Michael Furrh's golf club earned the 2016 record for world’s longest usable club. Far too bulky for Tiger Woods, this specialized instrument only works with equally long fairways.  Cristina Anne Costello/Unsplash