Editorial Cartoons: The Latest Political Cartoons From Cagle
By CM Chaney · October 18, 2024

Easy Game
About Marian Kamensky - Marian Kamensky is the editorial cartoonist for the Swiss satirical montly magazine Nebelspalter and Germany's satirical magazine Eulenspiegel and Playboy magazine. He is currently living in Vienna. CagleCartoons.com
Electronic Pacifier
About Arcadio Esquivel - Arcadio Esquivel is a Costa Rican cartoonist, and draws for several newspapers and magazines all over the world, including La Prensa, Courrierinternational and Al Día. CagleCartoons.com
About Marian Kamensky - Marian Kamensky is the editorial cartoonist for the Swiss satirical montly magazine Nebelspalter and Germany's satirical magazine Eulenspiegel and Playboy magazine. He is currently living in Vienna. CagleCartoons.com
About Bart van Leeuwen - Bart van Leeuwen lives and works as a freelancer in Amsterdam where he specializes in editorial illustration. He is the winner of the Junior Inktspotprijs 2017. CagleCartoons.com
Florida Book Bans
About Bill Day - Bill Day is a two-time winner of the RFK Journalism Award in Cartooning, and his cartoons are syndicated internationally by Cagle Cartoons. He is currently the editorial cartoonist for FloridaPolitics.com CagleCartoons.com
The Apprentice Movie
About Bob Englehart - Bob Englehart was the editorial cartoonist for the Hartford Courant for 35 years when his job was eliminated by the hedge fund that bought the newspaper. Before that, he worked for Chicago Today, the Journal-Gazette in Ft. Wayne, IN and the Journal Herald in Dayton, OH. He studied at the American Academy of Art in Chicago on scholarship. His progressive editorial cartoons have been distributed all over the world by CagleCartoons.com for nearly 20 years. CagleCartoons.com
F35 Massacre
About Osama Hajjaj - Osama Hajjaj is a Jordanian political cartoonist, and is a cartoonist and senior designer for Hajjaj Brothers Creative Productions. CagleCartoons.com
Ethel At Heavens Gate
About Chris Weyant - Chris Weyant draws political cartoons for The Boston Globe, and the New Yorker. CagleCartoons.com
Fall Foliage Tourists
About Dave Granlund - Dave Granlunds cartoons have appeared in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor and Newsweek. CagleCartoons.com
Halloween Candy
About Joe Heller - Joe Heller has been the editorial cartoonist for the Green Bay Press-Gazette since 1985, before that he was the cartoonist for the West Bend News. CagleCartoons.com
Won't Answer The Questions
About Dave Whamond - Dave Whamonds work has appeared in magazines and newspapers including Wall Street Journal, Sports Illustrated, Readers Digest and many more. He has won 7 Silver Reubens from the National Cartoonists Society and several book awards. Dave has written and/or illustrated over 50 books and his syndicated comic, "Reality Check", has appeared in newspapers since 1995. CagleCartoons.com
Netanyahu's Rampage
About Osama Hajjaj - Osama Hajjaj is a Jordanian political cartoonist, and is a cartoonist and senior designer for Hajjaj Brothers Creative Productions. CagleCartoons.com
Pesticides And Flowers
About Arend van Dam - Arend van Dam studied psychology st the University of Amsterdam and went on to become an illustrator, comic artist and cartoonist. CagleCartoons.com
Putin On Trump's Red Carpet
About Jeff Koterba - After 31 years as the cartoonist for Nebraska's largest newspaper, Jeff suddenly found himself laid off. So he greatly appreciates the support of fans to keep drawing. Jeff's brilliant and moderate editorial cartoons are syndicated around the world and his original drawings have also flown aboard space shuttle Discovery. He's given Ted talks and is the lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter for the Prairie Cats, a swing and jump-blues band that has performed around the U.S. including the South by Southwest Music Festival. And he may be the most popular cartoonist with editors on all of Cagle.com. CagleCartoons.com
About Steve Nease - For nearly nearly 30 years until 2008, Steve Nease was the art director at The Oakville Beaver, producing regular editorial cartoons and his family comic strip, Pud. CagleCartoons.com
About Bart van Leeuwen - Bart van Leeuwen lives and works as a freelancer in Amsterdam where he specializes in editorial illustration. He is the winner of the Junior Inktspotprijs 2017. CagleCartoons.com
Trump And Putin
About Jimmy Margulies - Jimmy Margulies is an editorial cartoonist in the northern New Jersey suburbs of New York City. He is the past winner of both the National Headliner Award and The Fischetti Editorial Cartoon Competition. CagleCartoons.com
Hurricane Conspiracies
About Joe Heller - Joe Heller has been the editorial cartoonist for the Green Bay Press-Gazette since 1985, before that he was the cartoonist for the West Bend News. CagleCartoons.com
Americans Dissociation From Reality
About Monte Wolverton - Monte Wolverton is best known as a contributor to MAD Magazine and son of Mad great Basil Wolverton. He is also the editor of The Plain Truth. magazine. He draws two editorial cartoons per week and is syndicated to newspapers around the world by Cagle Cartoons. CagleCartoons.com
Hurt Helper
About NEMO - Editorial Cartooning, Illustration, Design, Branding, Storyboarding, Teaching Arts & Communications. CagleCartoons.com
Love For Electric Cars Is Growing
About Nikola Listes - Nikola Listes was born 1960. in Split, Croatia. he worked for many newspapers and magazines all over the world (Playboy, West Australlien, Heideheimer Neue Presse, Die Bricke...). He has received more than seventy international awards. CagleCartoons.com
Flooding Under The Bridge
About Peter Kuper - Peter Kuper is a regular contributor to The New Yorker, The Nation and MAD magazine where he has written and illustrated SPY vs. SPY every issue since 1997. He is the co-founder and editor of World War 3 Illustrated a political graphics magazine that has given a forum to political artists for 40 years. He has produced over two dozen books including The System, Diario de Oaxaca, Ruins (winner of the 2016 Eisner Award) and adaptations of many of Franz Kafka's works into comics including The Metamorphosisand Kafkaesque (winner of the 2018 Reuben Award) . His latest graphic novel is an adaptation of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. He has lectured around the world and has taught comics courses at The School of Visual Arts in NYC and Harvard University. CagleCartoons.com
Trump Wants Royalties
About Randall Enos - For 68 years Randall Enos has done cartoons and illustrations for TV, movies, books, comic strips, magazines, newspapers, posters and the like. Clients have included NBC, The New York Times, The National Lampoon, Playboy, Time, Rolling Stone and many more. CagleCartoons.com