Editorial Cartoons: The Latest Political Cartoons From Cagle
By CM Chaney · December 14, 2024

Trump Demands Nice List
About John Cole - John Cole is a freelancer who draws for: Tennessee Lookout, tennesseelookout.com Pennsylvania Capital-Star, PennCapital-Star.com The Pilot, Southern Pines, NC, thepilot.com NC Policy Watch, ncpolicywatch.com Virginia Mercury, virginiamercury.com John is syndicated by CagleCartoons.com CagleCartoons.com
Insurance Manifesto
About Joe Heller - Joe Heller has been the editorial cartoonist for the Green Bay Press-Gazette since 1985, before that he was the cartoonist for the West Bend News. CagleCartoons.com
RFK Jr. Vaccines
About Pat Bagley - Pat Bagley is the staff cartoonist for The Salt Lake Tribune in Salt Lake City, Utah, and an author and illustrator of several books. His cartoons are syndicated nationally by Cagle Cartoons. CagleCartoons.com
Assad With Putin
About Tom Janssen - Tom Janssen is a Dutch editorial cartoonist, working for the Dutch national daily Trouw and the Netherlands Press Association. CagleCartoons.com
Bye Assad
About Osama Hajjaj - Osama Hajjaj is a Jordanian political cartoonist, and is a cartoonist and senior designer for Hajjaj Brothers Creative Productions. CagleCartoons.com
San Diego Fights Ice
About Dick Wright - Dick Wright has been an award winning editorial cartoonist for decades, drawing for the San Diego Union, the Providence Journal, Scripps-Howard Newspapers and the Columbus Dispatch. CagleCartoons.com
Team Trump
About Arend van Dam - Arend van Dam studied psychology st the University of Amsterdam and went on to become an illustrator, comic artist and cartoonist. CagleCartoons.com
School Closings For Dustings
About Adam Zyglis - Adam Zyglis is the staff cartoonist for The Buffalo News. His cartoons are internationally syndicated by Cagle Cartoons. CagleCartoons.com
Tit For Tat
About Ingrid Rice - Ingrid Rice is a self-syndicated Canadian political cartoonist. CagleCartoons.com
Healthcare CEO Security
About Dave Granlund - Dave Granlunds cartoons have appeared in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor and Newsweek. CagleCartoons.com
Trump's New Fragrance Line
About Adam Zyglis - Adam Zyglis is the staff cartoonist for The Buffalo News. His cartoons are internationally syndicated by Cagle Cartoons. CagleCartoons.com
Trump's Get Out Of Jail Free Card
About John Cole - John Cole is a freelancer who draws for: Tennessee Lookout, tennesseelookout.com Pennsylvania Capital-Star, PennCapital-Star.com The Pilot, Southern Pines, NC, thepilot.com NC Policy Watch, ncpolicywatch.com Virginia Mercury, virginiamercury.com John is syndicated by CagleCartoons.com CagleCartoons.com
Ukraine Will Be Putins
About Bill Day - Bill Day is a two-time winner of the RFK Journalism Award in Cartooning, and his cartoons are syndicated internationally by Cagle Cartoons. He is currently the editorial cartoonist for FloridaPolitics.com CagleCartoons.com
Person Of The Year
About Dave Granlund - Dave Granlunds cartoons have appeared in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor and Newsweek. CagleCartoons.com
Essential Items
About Ingrid Rice - Ingrid Rice is a self-syndicated Canadian political cartoonist. CagleCartoons.com
US House Transgender Bathroom Weirdo
About John Cole - John Cole is a freelancer who draws for: Tennessee Lookout, tennesseelookout.com Pennsylvania Capital-Star, PennCapital-Star.com The Pilot, Southern Pines, NC, thepilot.com NC Policy Watch, ncpolicywatch.com Virginia Mercury, virginiamercury.com John is syndicated by CagleCartoons.com CagleCartoons.com
Weaponization Of The DOJ
About John Darkow - John Darkow has been a professional cartoonist for over 20 years, spending the last 10 as the staff cartoonist at the Columbia Daily Tribune. He is syndicated internationally by Cagle Cartoons. CagleCartoons.com
Billionaires Slouching Towards White House
About Monte Wolverton - Monte Wolverton is best known as a contributor to MAD Magazine and son of Mad great Basil Wolverton. He is also the editor of The Plain Truth. magazine. He draws two editorial cartoons per week and is syndicated to newspapers around the world by Cagle Cartoons. CagleCartoons.com
Spy Intelligence Agencies
About Pat Bagley - Pat Bagley is the staff cartoonist for The Salt Lake Tribune in Salt Lake City, Utah, and an author and illustrator of several books. His cartoons are syndicated nationally by Cagle Cartoons. CagleCartoons.com
The End Of A Dynasty
About Patrick Chappatte - Patrick Chappatte was an editorial cartoonist for The New York Times until the newspaper terminated all editorial cartoons in 2019. He now draws for The Boston Globe, as well as European media Der Spiegel, Le Canard Enchaîné, Le Temps and NZZ am Sonntag. CagleCartoons.com
Assad In Moscow
About Pierre Ballouhey - Pierre Ballouhey, France Visit Pierres site. E-mail Pierre. Visit an archive of the Maries most recent cartoons in the drop menu at the right. CagleCartoons.com
FBI Pick Shows Enemies List
About R.J. Matson - R.J. Matson is the editorial cartoonist with Roll Call, and is syndicated internationally by Cagle Cartoons. CagleCartoons.com
Carry On
About Steve Nease - For nearly nearly 30 years until 2008, Steve Nease was the art director at The Oakville Beaver, producing regular editorial cartoons and his family comic strip, Pud. CagleCartoons.com
World Cup In The Desert
About Tom Janssen - Tom Janssen is a Dutch editorial cartoonist, working for the Dutch national daily Trouw and the Netherlands Press Association. CagleCartoons.com