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Empire State Decline: Over 545,000 New Yorkers left state in 2022

By CM Chaney · October 25, 2023

In brief…

  • 545,498 New Yorkers left the state in 2022, with Florida being the top destination.
  • The exodus was offset by 301,000 new residents, but New York still suffered a net population loss of 244,000.
  • Housing costs in New York City remain high despite the departures.
  • New York has experienced a steady decline in population since 2012, with 4.6 million people leaving over the past decade.
In 2022, 545,498 residents of New York bid farewell to the Empire State in pursuit of lower taxes and an improved quality of life, as revealed by the latest US Census data.  Anthony Quintano / Wikimedia

In 2022, 545,498 residents of New York bid farewell to the Empire State in pursuit of lower taxes and an improved quality of life, as revealed by the latest US Census data.

The massive exodus, a 34% increase from a decade ago, is leaving a significant dent in New York’s population, with the departure of approximately 4.6 million individuals over the past decade.

While more people relocated to New York in 2022 than in any year of the last decade, with 301,000 newcomers, the state still suffered a net population loss of 244,000. This trend indicates that despite efforts to attract new residents, the allure of other states is overpowering, according to The New York Post.

Florida, with its sunny climate and tax benefits, emerged as the top choice for fleeing New Yorkers, drawing 91,000 people.

New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and even more distant states like Texas and California also saw a significant influx of former New York residents.

Notably, California, despite experiencing a net population decline of 342,000, attracted 31,000 New Yorkers.

New York City’s housing costs continue to remain unaffected by the population shift, with median rents near record highs. In Manhattan, median rents rose to $4,350 in September, up from $4,022 the previous year.

Brooklyn and Queens followed the trend, with median rents of $3,700 and $3,528, respectively.

The statistics reveal that the appeal of New York is waning, and more people are opting for states offering tax incentives, better weather, and lower living costs.

The list of preferred destinations also includes North Carolina, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Georgia.

On the other hand, Wyoming, Montana, Iowa, Mississippi, and South Dakota are among the least popular choices for New Yorkers seeking a new home.

South Dakota, in particular, drew just 52 individuals from the state in 2022.

This mass exodus raises concerns about the future of New York and its ability to retain residents in the face of growing competition from other states.

The data also emphasize the urgent need for the state to address issues like high taxes and the cost of living to ensure it remains an attractive destination for both current and prospective residents.