‘Humiliated again and again:’ Fetterman on Phillips’ presidential bid against Biden
By Jake Beardslee · February 10, 2024
In brief…
- Fetterman harshly criticized Phillips' presidential bid against Biden
- Called Phillips' campaign "humiliating" and irrelevant
- Phillips announced intention to challenge Biden in October
- Fetterman said 2024 will be Biden vs Trump again
- Phillips backtracked on plan to drop out if he didn't gain momentum

Senator John Fetterman (D-Pa.) harshly criticized Representative Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) and his unlikely presidential bid against President Biden on Friday. Appearing on CNN, Fetterman scoffed at Phillips, saying “What’s sad is to have some guy with way too much money and he wants to piss it away.” He went on to say Phillips has been “humiliated again and again and again” in his quest to unseat Biden as the Democratic nominee.
Phillips announced his intention to challenge Biden back in October, arguing it was time to “pass the torch” to a younger leader despite believing Biden has done a good job as president. Phillips is one of the wealthiest members of Congress as heir to a distilling company fortune and former co-owner of gelato brand Talenti.
Fetterman likened Phillips’ campaign to the numerous Republicans who attempted to take on former President Trump in 2020, dismissing them all as “irrelevant.” He predicted the 2024 election would again come down to a choice between Trump and Biden. After initially planning to drop out in March if he didn’t gain momentum, Phillips backtracked in January, vowing to stay in the race “as long as it takes” to face off against Trump.