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On This Day In History - April 4

By CM Chaney · April 4, 2024

On This Day In History - April 4

"On This Day in History" is a captivating journey through time, revisiting the most significant events that have occurred on this very date throughout the years.

From monumental political decisions and groundbreaking scientific discoveries to unforgettable moments in sports and cultural milestones, each article in this series will transport you back to a specific day, offering a glimpse into the past and revealing how these events have shaped our world.

Join us as we uncover the fascinating stories that have left an indelible mark on history.  Wikimedia

1785: Bettina von Arnim: Literary Luminary

Bettina von Arnim, a pivotal figure in modern German literature, was born in Frankfurt am Main and left an indelible mark on the literary world.  Wikimedia/Ludwig Emil Grimm

1841: William Henry Harrison's Brief Presidency

William Henry Harrison, the ninth U.S. president, died just one month into his term. Vice President John Tyler then assumed the presidency.  Wikimedia/John Sartain

1850: Los Angeles: From Small Town to Metropolis

In its early days, Los Angeles was incorporated as an American city with a modest population of around 1,600 residents.  Wikimedia/Pierce, C.C.

1862: McClellan's Ill-Fated Peninsular Campaign

During the American Civil War, General George B. McClellan led Union forces in the unsuccessful Peninsular Campaign, aiming to seize the Confederate capital, Richmond.  Wikimedia/Mathew Benjamin Brady

1913: Muddy Waters: Pioneering Blues Icon Born

Muddy Waters, the influential American blues guitarist and singer, was born on this day. His innovative style played a crucial role in shaping modern rhythm-and-blues.  Wikimedia/Jean-Luc Ourlin

1928: Maya Angelou: Poetic Voice of Resilience

Maya Angelou, the renowned American poet, was born on this day. Her autobiographical works poignantly explore themes of economic, racial, and sexual oppression.  Wikimedia/Kingkongphoto & from Laurel Maryland, USA

1949: NATO: A Powerful Military Alliance Formed

On this day, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established, with 12 founding member nations united in a formidable military alliance.  Wikimedia/Estonian Foreign Ministry

1958: The Peace Symbol's Debut

The iconic peace symbol, created by Gerald Holtom, first appeared publicly during a protest by the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.  Wikimedia/Gerald Holtom

1959: The Mali Federation: A Brief Union

The Mali Federation, an ephemeral alliance between the Sudanese Republic and Senegal led by Léopold Senghor, was established in West Africa on this day.  Wikimedia/蒙兀球

1960: Ben-Hur's Historic Oscar Sweep

The epic film Ben-Hur made history, becoming the first to win 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Director (William Wyler), and Actor (Charlton Heston).  Wikimedia

1968: Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated

Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by James Earl Ray in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was supporting a sanitation workers' strike.  Wikimedia/Florida Memory

1969: First Total Artificial Heart Implanted

Dr. Denton Cooley, an American surgeon, implanted the first complete artificial heart in a patient, who later received a donor heart but sadly passed away.  Wikimedia/Cand,med,Egi

1975: Microsoft: The PC Software Pioneers Founded

On this day, Bill Gates and Paul Allen established Microsoft, which would grow to become the world's leading personal-computer software company.  Wikimedia/Kuhlmann /MSC

2000: South Korea's Drastic Measure Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease

To curb the spread of foot-and-mouth disease among Asian livestock, South Korea's government mandated the closure of nearly 85% of the nation's livestock markets.  Wikimedia/Rajeshodayanchal

2002: Angola's Civil War Ends with Ceasefire

After nearly three decades of conflict, Angola's government and UNITA signed a ceasefire agreement, bringing the nation's prolonged civil war to a close.  Wikimedia/Kusthom

2013: Roger Ebert: Legendary Film Critic Dies at 70

Renowned American film critic Roger Ebert, the first to win a Pulitzer Prize for film criticism, passed away at the age of 70.  Wikimedia/Bordwall

2023: Trump Makes History as First Ex-President Criminally Charged

Former U.S. President Donald Trump was arraigned on 34 felony charges in a Manhattan court, making him the first ex-president to face criminal prosecution.  Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore