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President Biden Faces Scrutiny Over Luxury Vacation at Donor’s Estate

By Jake Beardslee · August 23, 2024

President Joe Biden, who has been advocating for an enforceable ethics code for Supreme Court justices, is now facing criticism over his own potential conflicts of interest.

The focus is on his relationship with Joe Kiani, a billionaire donor and friend.  Josh Morgan / USA TODAY NETWORK

Following the Democratic National Convention, the Biden family reportedly traveled to Santa Ynez, California, for a complimentary stay at Kiani's ranch-style estate, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Kiani has made significant contributions to Biden's political endeavors, including nearly $3 million to his super PAC, foundation, and inaugural committee, according to House Republicans.  Collision Conf / Wikimedia

In September 2021, Kiani received a presidential appointment to the Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, which advises on policy matters related to Kiani's medical technology company, Masimo.

Since Biden's inauguration, Masimo has secured almost $3 million in federal contracts.  Collision Conf / Wikimedia

The situation has drawn parallels to the controversy surrounding Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his relationship with Republican donor Harlan Crow.

Thomas has faced criticism for accepting vacations and gifts from Crow, whom he describes as a close family friend.  Earl McDonald / Wikimedia

Michael Chamberlain, director of Protect the Public's Trust, commented on the situation, stating: "The self-proclaimed most ethical and transparent administration in history strikes again. The Biden-Harris EPA is already doling out its Greendoggle billions to organizations with ties to the administration and its political allies. Now, we have this type of arrangement with a donor who has business before the government. Seems to be just how things get done in this administration."  The White House / Wikimedia

This is not the first time Biden's relationships with wealthy supporters have come under scrutiny.

Previous vacations at properties owned by Democratic donors Tom Steyer, Maria Allwin, David Rubenstein, and Bill and Connie Neville have also raised questions about potential conflicts of interest.  Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America / Wikimedia

Kendra Arnold, executive director of the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust, expressed concern about the implications of such relationships: "When, like is the case here, there is an apparent circular beneficial relationship, it is difficult to believe that, at a minimum, there has not been increased access granted. As a rule of thumb, our elected officials are encouraged to even avoid the appearance of conflicts of interest, and, in this case, President Biden has certainly fallen short."  Jasper Colt/USA TODAY / USA TODAY NETWORK

The White House has not responded to requests from Fox News for comment on the matter, while the U.S. Office of Government Ethics declined to discuss specific individuals or circumstances.  I, Daniel Schwen / Wikimedia

As the debate over ethics in government continues, President Biden's personal relationships and vacation choices remain under close scrutiny, particularly in light of his push for stricter ethical standards in the judicial branch.  Josh Morgan / USA TODAY NETWORK