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Putin Declares Support for Kamala Harris in 2024 Election

By Jake Beardslee · September 5, 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin has surprisingly declared support for Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming U.S. presidential election, a move that has raised eyebrows given the complex history between Russia and American electoral politics. / Wikimedia

Speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Putin stated, "I told you our favorite, if you can call it that, was the current President Mr. Biden. He was removed from the race, but he recommended all his supporters to support Ms. Harris. So we will do the same. We will support her." / Wikimedia

Putin's comments come at a time of heightened scrutiny regarding Russian influence in U.S. elections.

The Russian leader added, "Ultimately, the choice is up to the American people, and we will respect that choice." / Wikimedia

Putin noted Harris's laughter, saying she "laughs so expressively and infectiously" that she must be "doing well."

He suggested this might indicate a softer stance on Russia, stating, "if Ms. Harris is doing well, then maybe she will refrain from actions of this kind," referring to sanctions.  David Sokol/Wicked Local / USA TODAY NETWORK

Interestingly, Putin claimed that former President Donald Trump had been tougher on Russia than his predecessors, saying, "Trump has introduced such a number of restrictions and sanctions against Russia that no president has ever introduced before."  Mark Hoffman/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel / USA TODAY NETWORK

The Kremlin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, had previously expressed caution about Harris's candidacy, noting that her contribution to bilateral relations "has not been noticed" and that her statements had been "replete with rhetoric quite unfriendly toward our country." / Wikimedia

Steve Rosenberg, BBC News' Russia Editor, suggested that Putin's endorsement might be a calculated move, knowing that "any public endorsement by Moscow for a US presidential candidate will do that candidate no favors in an election." / Wikimedia

Sputnik, a Russian state-controlled media outlet has suggested that President Putin's recent comments about the U.S. election were not sincere.

In a post on X (previously known as Twitter), Sputnik posted: "Putin keeps trolling US Democratic Party, 'endorses' Kamala Harris for POTUS."  Sputnik / Wikimedia

As the U.S. approaches the November 5, 2024 election, Putin's comments add another layer of complexity to the already intricate relationship between Russia and American politics.  cottonbro studio / Pexels