The Day’s Best Political Cartoons for April 15, 2024
By CM Chaney · April 15, 2024

The Day's Best Political Cartoons for April 15, 2024
Throughout the annals of human history, political cartoons have served as a powerful and influential medium for the commentary, critique, and lampooning of political figures and events.Their origins can be traced back to ancient civilizations, but their contemporary form began to take shape during the 18th century.
Today, political cartoons remain a critical tool for satire, humor, and social commentary, adapting to the digital age through webcomics and social media. They continue to play an integral role in shaping public discourse and offering incisive commentary on political landscapes worldwide.
Here are the best political cartoons for April 15, 2024 Clifford Berryman / Wikimedia

Why's He Still Wearing Those Glasses?
@PhilHands @PhilHands/X
Surrender Mike Johnson
@claytoonz @claytoonz/X
Penny Wise
@MatttDavies @MatttDavies/X
Draining The Swamp
@MatttDavies @MatttDavies/X
The Powder Keg
@LatuffCartoons @LatuffCartoons/X
Trump's Wake-Up Call
@AnnTelnaes @AnnTelnaes/X
OJ Out
@EandPCartoons @EandPCartoons/X
The New-Age Chase
@EandPCartoons @EandPCartoons/X
Where's The Camera
@montewolverton @montewolverton/X
Welcome To The 19th Century
@montewolverton @montewolverton/X
Help Find Closure
@EandPCartoons @EandPCartoons/X
Did You Watch The Eclipse
@EandPCartoons @EandPCartoons/X
Your Final Judge Is Here
@EandPCartoons @EandPCartoons/X
Your Tax Dollars At Work
@afbranco @afbranco/X
Pray And Vote
@EandPCartoons @EandPCartoons/X
He's Pro-Trump
@EandPCartoons @EandPCartoons/X
And Available Now At A Low Price
@startoons @startoons/X
Causing Problems For Republicans
@BillBramhall @BillBramhall/X
Conflicting Stances
@cartoonmovement @cartoonmovement/X