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Trump Slams Biden as ‘Threat to Democracy’ Hours Before CNN Debate

By Jake Beardslee · June 27, 2024

Hours before the anticipated presidential debate in Atlanta, former President Donald Trump took to his social media platform, Truth Social, to criticize his opponent, President Joe Biden, and express frustration with Fox News.  Andrew Nelles / USA TODAY NETWORK

In a series of posts, Trump accused Biden of being a "threat to democracy" and a danger to the nation's existence. This rhetoric appears to be a counter-strategy to the Biden campaign's central argument that Trump himself poses a threat to democratic institutions.  @realDonaldTrump / Truth Social

Trump also focused on immigration policy, claiming Biden's approach is a "NIGHTMARE FOR WOMEN when it comes to the Border and Immigration!"  @realDonaldTrump / Truth Social

The former president also expressed dissatisfaction with Fox News for featuring Biden campaign spokesperson Michael Tyler on their network. Trump questioned, "Why does Fox put on so many Biden people, like Michael Tyler, communications director for Biden, who spewed lies with very little pushback? Amazing!!!"  @realDonaldTrump / Truth Social

The CNN-hosted debate, moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, is scheduled for 9 p.m. EDT in Atlanta and will be widely broadcast across major networks.  nrkbeta / Wikimedia

As the election approaches, both candidates are intensifying their efforts to sway voters on crucial issues like immigration and the economy. With only five months remaining until Election Day, the pressure is mounting for both camps to present their visions for the country's future.   Element5 Digital / Unsplash

The debate will feature uniform podiums for both candidates. Microphones will be muted except during each candidate's speaking time, according to CNN.

Two green lights behind each podium illuminate when a candidate's microphone is active, signaling their turn to speak. These lights remain off when it's not their turn, indicating a muted microphone.  BRUNO CERVERA / Unsplash

CNN demonstrated that even if a candidate attempts to interrupt or speak during their opponent's time, their words won't be audible to the television audience due to the muting system.

This measure addresses issues from the first Trump-Biden debate in September 2020, where frequent interruptions led to Biden's memorable retort to Trump: "Will you shut up, man?"  Meg Vogel, Cincinnati Enquirer / USA TODAY NETWORK