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10 Snacks And Drinks That Will Rot Your Teeth

By CM Chaney · April 22, 2024

Surprisingly Dangerous Snacks And Drinks For Your Teeth

As we navigate the world of healthy eating, it's important to consider not just our overall well-being, but also the impact our dietary choices have on our dental health.

Many seemingly innocuous snacks and drinks can secretly wreak havoc on our teeth, leading to decay, enamel erosion, and other oral health issues.

From the sticky sugars in dried fruits to the acidic properties of sports drinks, some of our favorite treats may be silently sabotaging our smiles.

Let's explore the surprising culprits behind tooth damage and provide expert insights on how to maintain a healthy, beautiful grin.  Caroline LM on Unsplash

Potato Chips

Potato chips are loaded with starch that gets trapped in your teeth. Indulging in this crunchy snack requires extra care when flossing to remove food particles and prevent plaque build-up.  Mustafa Bashari on Unsplash

Dried Fruit

Dried fruits are sticky and can damage your teeth by clinging to them for extended periods. Rinsing with water and thorough brushing and flossing are crucial after consuming these snacks.  K8 on Unsplash


Chewing on ice can leave your teeth vulnerable to dental emergencies and enamel damage. Break the habit and enjoy water in its liquid form instead.  Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash


While coffee and tea can be healthy, adding sugar and consuming them frequently can dry out your mouth and stain your teeth. Drink plenty of water and minimize add-ons to reduce negative effects.  Fahmi Fakhrudin on Unsplash

Hard Candy

Constant exposure to sugar from hard candies can harm your teeth and increase the risk of dental emergencies like broken or chipped teeth. Chew sugarless gum with the ADA Seal instead.  Brecht Deboosere on Unsplash

Sports Drinks

Despite their healthy image, many sports and energy drinks are high in sugar. Check labels to ensure your drink is low in sugar or opt for water instead.  John McArthur on Unsplash

Chewy Fruit Snacks

Chewy snacks contain non-soluble cellulose fiber that traps sugars on and around the teeth, making them worse than candy. Despite their convenience, they're not a healthy option.  gibblesmash asdf on Unsplash


High in sugar and acids, juices can quickly damage teeth, especially when consumed from sippy cups. Limit your children's juice intake to protect their teeth from direct contact with sugary surfaces.  Wikimedia/Challiyan

Soft Drinks

Sugary and acidic, most carbonated soft drinks (including diet soda) can erode tooth enamel when consumed for extended periods. Caffeinated beverages can also cause dry mouth. Drink water alongside soda to minimize harm.  Jonny Caspari on Unsplash


Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration, dry mouth, reduced saliva flow, tooth decay, gum disease, and an increased risk of mouth cancer. Moderation is key to maintaining oral health.

(This content was created with the help of AI, and edited by a human.)  Adam Wilson on Unsplash