Christie to Trump: Hey, ‘Donald Duck,’ grow up and debate!
By Jake Beardslee · September 28, 2023
In brief…
- Chris Christie and Ron DeSantis criticized Donald Trump ditching the Republican presidential debate Wednesday night.
- Christie accused Trump of "ducking" the debate for fear of having to defend his record.
- DeSantis said Trump owes it to voters to explain why the national debt ballooned by $7.8 trillion under his watch.
- Trump's refusal to participate frustrates other top Republican candidates seeking to challenge his record.

The Republican presidential debate held Wednesday night saw heated exchanges between the candidates, particularly regarding former President Donald Trump’s absence from the event.
Governor Ron DeSantis and former Governor Chris Christie turned their ire toward Trump for being a no-show.
Christie accused Trump of “ducking” the debate out of fear of having to defend his record in office.
“You’re not here tonight, not because of polls and not because of your indictments,” Christie said, staring straight into the camera. “You’re not here tonight because you’re afraid of being on this stage and defending your record.”
He warned Trump that the other candidates would no longer address him as “Donald Trump,” but rather as “Donald Duck” if he continued to avoid the presidential debates.
DeSantis chimed in, slamming Trump for being “missing in action from leadership,” insisting Trump “owes it to you to defend his record” as president when the national debt ballooned by $7.8 trillion.
The former president’s absence cast a shadow over the debate event. Trump, the clear frontrunner for his party’s nomination, has sown deep frustration and anger among the other top candidates seeking to challenge his record.