Exonerated Five’s Yusef Salaam declares primary win, describes police as “righteous actors”
By Belal Awad · July 5, 2023

Yusef Salaam, a member of the infamous “Central Park Five” or “the Exonerated Five”, has declared victory in the Democratic primary in Harlem’s 9th District, 34 years after false accusations of rape saw him locked up in prison for most of his youth – the win completes his journey from personal tragedy to creating a public platform for change.
In an interview with CBS, Salaam speaks on his committed to using his platform to effect positive change and, strikes a surprsing tone when speaking about police, calling them “guardians of society” and advocates for constructive engagement with them: “I’ve got to tell you, I’ve had so many profoundly impactful experiences with police officers and people who wanted to become police officers. Positive. Very, very positive.”
Despite his experience, Salaam does not harbor resentment towards all law enforcement and describes a vision of working towards a police force made up of “Righteous actors.” Salaam believes that his journey from unjust incarceration to political activism is a testament to resilience and the power of personal transformation and says that his experiences have given him a unique perspective on the systemic challenges faced by marginalized communities.
Despite the adversity of his experience, Salaam views his wrongful conviction as something that opened his eyes to the injustices within the legal system. “It’s the reality of being able to look back and say, man, that two by four that hit me allowed me to to develop peripheral vision. Had it not happened, I wouldn’t have been aware that the rug could be pulled out from underneath your feet”.
In the interview, Salaam elaborates on his political aspirations starting from an early age: “I read the story of Joseph in the Bible, in the Koran, and finding out that this individual was accused of a crime he didn’t commit. The crime was rape, and that he went to prison and he came out and became the greatest statesman in Egypt.”
Despite the lingering doubts about his innocence due to racial biases, Salaam remains steadfast in his mission to challenge these prejudices and work towards a more equitable society. “The fact that people are seeing things like George Floyd get murdered or Breonna Taylor get murdered, you know, in their minds is this idea that tomorrow is not promised. And so therefore, I have to live as recklessly as possible.” the issue of gun violence, Salaam attributes it to a sense of hopelessness and the devaluation of life prevalent in impoverished communities. He emphasizes the need to foster respect, dignity, and value for human life as a means to address this escalating problem.
As part of his advocacy work, Salaam has launched a website, a platform where he shares his vision with the public.
Yusef Salaam’s story is a testament to resilience and the power of personal transformation. His advocacy for police reform and gun violence prevention offers a fresh perspective on these critical issues. By sharing his experiences and vision, Salaam encourages us all to reflect on the need for justice, compassion, and a collective commitment to building a safer and more equitable society.
Light Wave commentary
Yusuf Salaam’s story is a remarkable one, marked by profound personal growth and a commitment to promoting positive change. His perspective on police engagement and addressing gun violence is a valuable addition to ongoing conversations surrounding these critical issues. Salaam’s emphasis on the role of empathy, respect, and humanity provides an alternative narrative to the prevailing discourse, one that seeks to bridge gaps and foster understanding between communities and law enforcement. By sharing his experiences and vision for the future, Salaam encourages us all to reflect on the need for justice, compassion, and a collective commitment to building a safer and more equitable society.