Former Presidents Clash: Trump Responds to Obama’s DNC Remarks
By Jake Beardslee ·
August 22, 2024
Former President Donald Trump reacted strongly to speeches made by Barack and Michelle Obama at the Democratic National Convention, challenging advice from allies to avoid personal attacks. Adam Vander Kooy/Special to the Daily / USA TODAY NETWORK
At a rally in North Carolina, Trump addressed his supporters, saying, "Did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night? He was taking shots at your president. And so was Michelle." Eric Seals / USA TODAY NETWORK
He then mimicked advisors urging him to focus on policy, stating, "Sir, you must stick to policy. You'll win it on the border. You'll win it with inflation. You'll win it with your great military that you built." Eric Seals / USA TODAY NETWORK
The long-standing political rivalry between Trump and the Obamas has been exacerbated by personal tensions, including Trump's promotion of the false "birther" conspiracy theory about Barack Obama's birthplace. Mike De Sisti, Mike De Sisti / USA TODAY NETWORK
During the convention, both Obamas delivered pointed critiques of Trump. Michelle Obama stated, “His limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hard-working, highly educated, successful people who happen to be Black,” concluding, “I want to know — I want to know — who’s going to tell him, who’s going to tell him, that the job he is currently seeking might just be one of those ‘Black jobs’?” Mike De Sisti, Mike De Sisti / USA TODAY NETWORK
Barack Obama compared Trump to an annoying neighbor and criticized his approach to the presidency, saying, "Here's a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago." Jasper Colt, Jasper Colt / USA TODAY NETWORK
Trump's response comes amid advice from some Republicans to focus less on personal attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, and more on policy issues.
Recent polls suggest Harris has been gaining ground on Trump, who had previously held an edge over President Biden. Joe Rondone/The Republic / USA TODAY NETWORK