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Trump to Swift: Don’t endorse Biden in 2024

By Jake Beardslee · February 13, 2024

Trump Appeals to Taylor Swift Not to Endorse His Rival

In a post on his Truth Social media platform on Sunday, former President Donald Trump directly appealed to pop superstar Taylor Swift, urging her not to endorse his potential 2024 presidential election rival Joe Biden like she did in 2020. Trump took credit for signing the Music Modernization Act while in office, legislation that addressed copyright laws and streaming rights benefitting Swift and other artists.  Paolo Villanueva/Wikimedia

Trump Touts Act He Signed as Benefitting Swift's Career

Specifically, Trump said that Biden "didn't do anything" for Swift throughout his decades in politics, while he signed the Music Modernization Act as president, legislation that directly impacted copyright laws and streaming rights which have greatly benefited Swift's music career. Trump implied Swift owes him her loyalty and support because of this act.  Liam Enea/Wikimedia

Trump Mentions Swift's Boyfriend, NFL Star Travis Kelce

In an interesting aside, Trump also mentioned in his post that he likes Swift's current boyfriend, NFL star Travis Kelce of the Kansas City Chiefs. Trump said “I like her boyfriend, Travis, even though he may be a Liberal, and probably can’t stand me!”  Master Sgt. Michael Crame/Wikimedia

Swift Previously Endorsed Biden, Has Criticized Trump

Taylor Swift formally endorsed President Biden and Vice President Harris during the 2020 presidential election. She has also been publicly critical of Trump and Republicans over the years. Swift said she regretted not speaking out against Trump in the 2016 election which he won.  The White House/Wikimedia

Swift Knocked Trump-Aligned Senator Marsha Blackburn

In her 2020 Netflix documentary "Miss Americana," Swift strongly condemned Tennessee Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn, a strong Trump supporter, calling her "Trump in a wig." This angered Trump, who said afterwards he liked Swift's music "about 25% less."  Paolo V/Wikimedia

No Word on 2024 Election Endorsement from Swift Yet

So far, Swift has not indicated who she prefers in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. The Biden team likely wants secure her endorsement again, hoping to replicate the strong support she gave him in 2020.  Paolo V/Wikimedia

Trump Urged Swift Not to Be Disloyal to Him

In his Truth Social post, Trump asserted there was "no way" Swift could endorse his rival Biden in 2024 and still be loyal to Trump after he did her the favor of signing the Music Modernization Act as president, which he claims greatly benefited her career.  The White House from Washington, DC/Wikimedia

Super Bowl Provided Backdrop for Trump's Appeal to Swift

Trump's appeal to music superstar Taylor Swift not to endorse Joe Biden in 2024 came on Super Bowl Sunday, the same day Swift's boyfriend Travis Kelce was playing in the big game for the Kansas City Chiefs.  Adam Schultz/Wikimedia