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U.S. News

Computer repairman who leaked Hunter Biden laptop says home swatted

By Jake Beardslee · December 31, 2023

In brief…

  • John Paul Mac Isaac, who disclosed Hunter Biden laptop contents, says home was swatted Friday night
  • Mac Isaac came into possession of Hunter Biden's laptop left at his repair shop in 2019
  • Went public with laptop prior to 2020 election, turning over contents to Giuliani
The Delaware computer repairman who publicized the contents of Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop reported his home was swatted.  Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call/Wikimedia

John Paul Mac Isaac, the Delaware computer repairman who disclosed the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020, reported that his home was “swatted” on Friday night. Swatting is the act of making a false emergency call to provoke a police response at a target’s address.

“My home was swatted tonight, I was not home but the outstanding men and women of the Wilmington PD responded quickly and professionally,” Mac Isaac posted on the social media platform X. “All that was achieved was the wasted time of the Wilmington PD. NOTHING, let me repeat that, NOTHING will take me out of this fight! Cheers!”

Mac Isaac came into possession of a laptop dropped off at his repair shop in 2019 by Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden. The device contained personal photos and emails that raised questions about the younger Biden’s overseas business dealings.

Mac Isaac went public with the laptop’s contents in the lead-up to the 2020 election, providing a copy of the hard drive to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, then serving as lawyer for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

The New York Post first reported on emails from the laptop suggesting Hunter Biden may have leveraged his father’s position as vice president to aid the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which had appointed the younger Biden to its board.

Mainstream news outlets initially approached the story warily, concerned that the leaked emails may be part of a Russian disinformation campaign. However, the laptop and its contents were later authenticated, including by the Washington Post.

A Department of Justice investigation into Hunter Biden’s finances and overseas business dealings remains ongoing. No charges have been filed against him.

Mac Isaac maintains he acted ethically and legally in disclosing the laptop’s contents, arguing the public deserved to know its details ahead of the 2020 election.