Sarah Silverman Slams SAG’s Sweetheart Deal On Indie Films
By Jake Beardslee · July 30, 2023
In brief…
- In an Instagram video, Sarah Silverman vented frustration with the ongoing Hollywood strike involving the industry's writers, directors, and actors.
- She denounced a deal by the Screen Actors Guild allowing independent films to be made under the union's most generous terms, seeing it as an inappripriate loophole.
- Silverman said she'll continue to back the strike despite her spat with the unions.

Comedian and actress Sarah Silverman ripped Hollywood’s unions, accusing them of duplicity in their handing of the industry-wide strike that began last October over issues including residual pay, healthcare, and intellectual property rights.
Worker solidarity, according to Silverman, appears to have its limits, as numerous independent films have been made with a wink and a nod from the unions.
Silverman will have none of it, fuming in a recent Instagram video, “Can somebody explain to me what I’m not understanding? I feel f**king p***ed off and I know I just must not be understanding something,” Silverman said in a recent Instagram video. “There are like 40 movies being made right now. Movie stars are making movies because they’re independent movies, and SAG is allowing it because if they do sell it to streaming, it has to be because streaming is abiding by all the things we’re asking for.”
Silverman then blasted SAG for making an “interim deal” that allows independent films to be made under the union’s most generous terms, which she sees as an inappropriate loophole.
“It’s called the end of the strike, motherf****r,” said the dagger-tongued Silverman. “I met with SAG leadership last night in the form of Fearless Fran Drescher and Duncan Crabtree-Ireland… And I think this feels s***ty to some people because they’ve been asked to sacrifice so much all under the precipice that, hey, we’re all in this together, and it only works if we’re all in it together.”
She acknowledged that allowing crew members to work is a positive, but still had misgivings. “I hope that I described the different perspectives clearly and fairly… For me, I feel extremely comfortable agreeing to disagree and working together, picketing, and telling the AMPTP that they can f***ing kick rocks,” Silverman said.
The star comedian remains committed to supporting the strike despite her disagreements with the unions. “Whichever side of this particular issue you fall on… we can’t let disagreeing on it weaken our resolve,” Silverman said. “We need to take our pointing, accusing fingers. I’ll take mine first and move them firmly towards the AMPTP together. Union strong, baby.”